August 29, 2011

utusan duli yang maha mulia Ratu Laut Selatan

salam uolls..

puase penuh tak bulan ni?? kalau yang ade pepek tu mesti tak penuh puase kan??oops..bukan mencarut ye, ini adalah fakta..ape pendapat uolls kalau CI buat satu lagi belog??ye la belog ni kan gabungan lecturer and sundel gitew..biar la belog ni berbentuk ilmiah and yang lagi satu tu brbentuk hanj..

mak dengan akak2 mak..

merepek je CI ni kan..sebenarnya CI nak mengumumkan esok hari rayer aidilfitri!!uolls ni kan biar bebeno tak taw, persiapan dh siap lom??

baju rayer mak time solat rayer esok..

alamak, akak CI dah sound2 suruh kemas rumah..hehe..see uolls next entri taw..mmuuaaaaaaaaahhhhhh...

lawa tak nenek mak??

p/s: sile like Hot fb ye..tu official fb bukan sekadar tatapan..CI nak ucap selamat hari rayer maaf zahir dan batin kat uolls..

August 23, 2011

another changes??

salam uolls..

CI just nak bagitahu belog antik ni akan ade changes dalam masa terdekat ni..
tapi sikit2 la and bukannya mendadak..
contohnya widget wibiya kat bawah tu..
kalau nak gi je kat website dye kat wibiya
ade ape2 cadangan inform je ek..
bye and assalamualaikum..

August 22, 2011

alkisah bermula..

ape khabar uolls??harap2 sihat selalu..CI nga selsema ni..:(

tak sah kalau tak wat CI mencarut kan di bulan puasa ni..banyak dugaan melanda..nak2 lagi bila kite ni tinggal kat hostel..uolls jangan..warden pun tinggal kat hostel student taw..kan semalam dh wat entri berkenaan ketiadaan air kat kolej ni..

mane air ni??!

bukan main hepi lagi bila dengar Encik L wat wall post berkenaan dh ade air..tapi hampeh taw uolls..belok CI ni still tak de air..ramai lagi student dok mengomel kat fesbuk tuu..menghanjeng orang memang kepakaran student CI..hehe..eyh, bukan student CI..budak course lain..huhu

kesian ko nok..

alkisahnye kan dari tengah hari semalam tak ade air..sampai skunk taw air x de ni..dah kira 2 malam dah tak ade air ni..kepala pun pening sebab ade perasaan tak selesa disitu..pagi tadi CI gi mandi kat surau taw uolls..tak penah CI gi mandi kat surau kolej..ape tah lagi mengalami kesusahan yang melampau ni..ibarat kat Afrika Selatan gitew..nasib baik student CI yang paling teruk pun dari Kenya..tak gitew ckin??

agak2nya la kan pagi nanti mesti air still tak ade kan..diorang ni memang nak suruh CI mandi hari sabtu ni kot..yela CI kan nak balik Sarawak sabtu ni..hehe..mandi puas2 ngan hot shower kat rumah..CI rindu sangat2 ngan ruumah and famili..motif rumah dulu??hehe

azab tak mak mandi??

uolls perasan tak CI tak mencarut dalam entri kali ni??agak2 nya tak kot..tak baik taw mencarut dalam bulan puasa ni..tapi disebabkan oleh habit tu memang terkeluar juga khenn uolls..

jangan lupa untuk student Ci yang disayangi..esok sila berkumpul di lobi kolej jam 8 berpakaian uniform ye..kita buat lawatan kat Hospital Selayang..harap2 ia dapat membantu uolls time berklinikal nanti especially dalam pediatric field..jangan bagi malu kolej sudah..:)

bulan 9 nanti CI akan supervise student kat Hospital Sungai Buloh and Hospital Kuala Lumpur lak bulan 10..harap2 semua berjalan dengan lancar..hokey CI nak usha belog student lak..see ya..mmuuaaaaaaahhhh.........

hepi tak mak lepas mandi??

p/s: next gaji CI nak beli periuk steamboat..

August 21, 2011

nocturnal for 2 nights..


lame dah CI tak mengumpat dalam belog ni..hehe..tu la hobi CI time boring2 ni..anyway, OT Conference yg CI nak post tu mcm dh lame je brlangsung..tak payah post la ek??lagipun gambor2 tu cipta terpelihara gitew..gaji lom masuk lagi ni..kang ado nyah2 yang saman CI pas ni..tapi kalau deyoll sudi bagi kebenaran mungkin CI akan postkan ye..

entri kali ni nak merapu je hokay..CI skunk ni nga flight of ideas gitew..bukan air asia bukan MAS..sebut pasal flight2 ni CI akan balik cuti berayer kat sarawak seminggu..uolls dijemput datang ke rumah rayer ni..x jauh kan..dalam malaysia je katenyer..

hey uolls!!tempat CI stay ni 1 hari tak de air hokey!!ni yang nak mencarut time bulan poser check bukan main lagi buat tiap2 minggu..nak bagi denda kat student yg melanggar peraturan katernyer..sekali tu diaaaa..tak de air diam seribu bahasa penyelia asrama sekalian..asal lame sangat nak baiki sistem paip 2??CI dah dengar cerite dari khamis lepas lagi nak wat maintenance..sekali maintaik yang ko buat..tup2 satu hari tak de air..sampai SEKARANG..

jangan lupe student2 sumer..esok ade exam formatif..setadi jangan tak setadi..buat CI bangge sikit..sikit je..tak yah banyak..hehe..ape2 pn rujuk kat jadual exam..jangan jadi macam semester lepas sudah..silap jadual katenyer..

oh ya..pekaitan tajuk kat atas tu ngan sumer perenggan dalam entri ni??ha tu diaaa..flight of ideas memanjang..CI nak bagitaw ni..dari hari tu sampai semalam..(malam tadi) CI jadi nocturnal..hehe..nocturnal tu ape uolls??sorang student CI tanyer..CI ape lagi terus tanyer dye..u dah sem brape skung??sem lima katernye..CI pun cakapla sem lima pun x taw nocturnal tu ape..dye balas balik uolls..dah CI tak ajar pun..tersentap mak nak..CI siap tarik2 lagi tali bra dye..agak hyperbola disitu..

malam first tu weolls pegi berbuka kat Richman Cafe kat Sungai Buloh ngan nyah2 indon sumer..habis berbuka trus beli barang dapur bagai..and CI beli aiskrim coklat indulgence tuk makan ngan student dua orang ni..datang hostel jam 930 malam..weolls makan aiskrim kat cafe sambil mengumpat..ala hobi CI kan..tup2 jam 2 pagi..CI bagi cadangan gile; stay up late..tak yah tido sampai sahur and sahur giler lepak macam tuu..jumpa la sorang dua student yang CI minat ni..hehe..tak leh belah tuu ada student kantoi dua kali makan kat cafe..dah makan, naik bilik pas tu turun makan lagi..amboi kayo bebeno deyolls kan..CI tak mampu taw uolls..

second night(semalam), weolls pegi puncak alam taw uolls..tetibe rindu ngan student uitm yang 4 ekor tuu..nakal giler deyolls tuu..weolls makan kat gerai beyse je..sambil tengok bola arsenal lawan liverpool gitew..student yang tembak CI semalam bagi CI mask bagai..ada 5 jenis gitew..rasa2 uolls dye ni nak bodek CI tak??huhu...den weolls rushing giler nak balik hostel takut isi borang lambat masuk hostel..CI takpe ade imuniti..agak grandiose disitu..hujan lebat giler..jalan licin tapi bawak keter laju doe..mane tak nyer..15 minit lagi ha..

bile dah sampai tu wat gerup setadi..CI bawak sorang lagi student extra..hepi giler doe bila ade budak yang CI suka tu nga wat gerup setadi jugak..semakin bersemangat CI ajar paeds kat student..hehe..sampai jam satu tu ade la abang guard yang tak berape ensem ni datang mengganggu..dik, lame lagi ke??..weolls buat tak layan..sekali lagi dye, jawabla lame lagi..weolls kan plan nak setadi gerup sampai sahur..ade ke dye cakap tak boleh..siap halau student lagi..(yang perempuan la)..ish geram betol taw uolls..malam first tu boleh jer..abg guard ensem siap makan lagi kat cafe tu tak tegur weolls..yang tak ensem ni sibuk2 je suruh orang balik..maksiat sangat ke sampai cakap perempuan tak boleh lame2 kat cafe ngan lelaki padahal bukan berdua2an pun..

weolls ape lagi terus belahh dari situ..masuk bilik je CI online sampai sahur..sahur makan mooncake gitew..hehe..anyway doakan CI melalui hari2 yang best so dapat la CI kongsi2 ngan uolls..entri kali ni tak gambor kan..perasann tak uolls..model2 CI sibuk setadi katernyer..till next entri..mmuaahh..

p/s: CI baru dapat online and laptop CI dah repair..:)

August 15, 2011

ribut Mallast melanda Pulau Ratu Laut Selatan..


CI baru je dapat online..
tu pun guna wifi library ni..
so, tak dapat nak menghupload gambar2 and video bagai tuh..
so nantikan ek uollss..
p/s: tolong bayar bil berokband CI boleh tak uolls??

August 11, 2011

story telling...

hi uolls..

I've been busy lately and don't have time at all!!see, now the time is showing 1:12 am and I still got work to do..oh, yesterday(actually siang tadi) we had seminar of OT yang dianjurkan oleh batch 25..I love it because they have booths and I won a lot of prizes..hehe

despite that, they don.t prepare the tentative and the flow was not that smooth..still, I want to congratulate them!!if uolls tak taw,OT is occupational therapy or terapi carakerja..I can't explain that much coz I need rest!!

wait for my entry by tomorrow about that seminar, our breakfasting party and ape lagi eyh..boleh ke post banyak2 ni??huhu..until tomorrow..have sweet dreams!!

August 07, 2011

mai celoteh sikit..

good evening!!

I'm so happy and all I could do is to smile!!oh. whatever happened has got nothing to do with the title what is up with the malay title with english content??hehe..just because..=D

I have just finish doing blog walking and I followed them..hehe..I only follow those that are my best friends, the one that inspires me and not forgetting uolls that following me..

I am actually not a person that posts comment about "hey, I followed you, do follow me back" is just not me..sorry..but don't worry though..I will follow you back if you post that comment to me..everyone has their own styles right..

about tomorrow classes..I don't want to think of it at all..I don't know why but I feel that there is something wrong or missing this semester and somehow it irritates me like duh..I hope that I can survive this 6 months session..

oh, I can not wait to return home!!as always my tix is sponsored and this time it is way too dear for costs my sister RM830 and all I could do is thanking her which I have not done it yet..:p

my cuti is only a week and I get me some jealous of the others..why do they have a fortnight holiday??it is not fair you know..for me and my fellow batch 26 students..

but when I think of it, a one month clinical after Eid makes me happy..that means a month without class..hooray for u CI!!

I talked a lot eh??well, maybe because the roommate that I have mention before(read it here) is tak one for me to share stories in my waste my money la buying that febreeze thing..tee hee..actually I have met the penyelia about this roommate thing and complained at them about how difficult for me to find one(even though there are berlambak of them)..that is because they paksa me to find one..(and I got text message from them too), at last they said that they will search him for me and sampai sekarang pun tak ade berita..

actually tak heran la tak ade roommate sebab bukannya tak ade kawan langsung..tepi bilik, depan bilik pun kawan ape..kenape bahase bercampur ni CI??hehe..

oh, hey male students of my college!!no mercun2 la nanti korunk kena hukum baru taw..I like the noises too but rules are rules..they are meant to be followed..(bukan belog hokey)

till next time..buh bye..

August 06, 2011

you nag like a granny!!

midnight good evening  to uolls..:)

me feels so depressed right now..I have to sacrifice my weekend just for puppet I have to participate??well at first there is only 8 persons to carry that project..I repeat 8 persons..because the project failed to impress our big boss then we have to remake everyone has to engage themselves..what is the point of having extra strength??standing like a tree??I tell you what..
there is no time left to play pick-up stick!!

hey CI!!watch yo mouth!!

I don't give a damn at all..I do my job and you do yours right..after this seminar I think I want to go to spa and relax myself..please no hectic life in fasting month!!I deserve a long rest after this and do what I want..this is just an expression and I hope uolls still like me if you hate me..:p

I hope she meant it when she said it is her intonation I can guess that she hates me..but I am trying to give my faith on her and I hope she does the same..we are supposed to meet up tomorrow!!oh I hope my life will get better so that there are many good stories to be shared with uolls..until next entry..see ya!

p/s: CI buat entri in english time bulan pose ni boleh??:D

August 02, 2011

the beauty and the briefcase..


what did you take for breaking your fast today?? I hope it's not outrageous because I have overspent just for food only..well yeah just rice with scrambled eggs, nuggets, fried chicken and mixed vegetable..oh, I drank guava yogurt and it's tasted yummy!!

enough of that intro..ehemm..I just wanna share a movie which has made me eat for an hour and a is fun and very first I condemned it because it is so confessions of a shopalic..but then I like it when they twisted the story a lil bit..

hey I'm not a poser!!it's just that I'm writing in english so have to use proper words and no bitching words here..I'm

you better watch this film eventhough you know the storyline because I love how they react to certain situations..I do believe that Hillary can do more films and follow the footstep of Reese Whitherspoon because she is can prodeuce her own film..way to go both you!!

enjoy one of the scenes..

enough of the boring entry and see you guys in the next entry..

coklat dan kopi ekspresso free untuk uolls..


tengah hari dah kan..tak sangka masa berlalu begitu cepat..(padahal lambat je)..CI telah digoda dengan makanan taw uolls..entah2 ape pulak yang berlaku petang nanti..

ade ke patut post gambar makanan sedap2 pas tu tag kat orang..motif buat macam tu??CI pun terus log out taw facebook tu..hmm..

ape tag2??!

yang lagi teruk tu student yang tak puasa cakap2 depan kita..nak cakap tu boleh lah tapi make sure cover mulut..lepas makan wafer coklat trus cakap depan kita..tak ke dugaan terlampau 2011 tu..


so kepada yang kat luar tu jangan la buat macam tu kat orang lain ye..perut CI dah berbunyi dah ni..harap2 leh carry on sampai maghrib..semoga amalan kita diterima sepanjang bulan Ramadhan ni..amin..

p/s: CI tak mengumpat kan??just nak tegur je..

August 01, 2011

ucapan dari CI


laptop CI ni dah nazak dah gaji nanti CI nak reformat laptop and install windows ori gitew..banyak cerita CI nak share dalam belog CI ni tapi terpost2 lagi disebabkan laptop ni banyak masalah..nak marah laptop tapi orang yang hadiahkan..hehe..

perlu ke CI nak buat entri untuk sumer cerita minggu lepas uolls??rasenye dah basi kot and maybe student2 CI dah buat entri pasal sumer tu katenyer..

and last but not least, CI nak mengucapkan selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan dan selamat berpuasa bagi umat Islam..untuk non muslim, selamat menikmati juadah2 kat bazaar Ramadhan..peace no war..:)